Engagement and wedding season are here and we wouldn’t be more excited! Village Jewelers of Frisco TX is ready for summer and fall weddings, engagement rings, wedding sets, and more in 2021, especially after so many weddings were postponed or canceled last year! We...
Almost all of our clients have a favorite piece of jewelry, whether that is a ring, watch, necklace, or pair of earrings. But especially for those favorite pieces, constant wear can lead to that favorite piece of jewelry or watch becoming damaged, dull, or even...
Making custom jewelry is a creative art form, but it still does have certain methodical steps that are fairly uniform to ensure the process will meet all the wants and wishes of the customer – like style, size, etc. The custom jewelry process is exciting, as you...
If you are looking for a piece of custom jewelry in Dallas for this ‘Love Month’ – even after Valentine’s Day – we are the perfect spot for you! Village Jewelers has always been your flawless fine and custom jewelry store that makes finding the perfect...
Online shopping may be popular for many items, as Amazon’s third quarter of 2020 generated over 96 billion dollars in sales, but for fine jewelry, many still want to see it in person, inspect quality, and feel it in their hands before they buy such a pricy item. The...